Embrace your healing journey

BONUS episode How to navigate life's transitions so you can heal, accept, and thrive

Season 2

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Are you feeling overwhelmed by life’s transitions and unsure of how to navigate them?

Unveiling the significance of embracing transitions, this episode delves into healing past wounds, finding acceptance, and thriving through life’s transformative phases.

Many of us tend to bury our feelings and past losses, only to find them resurfacing during pivotal moments. Ignoring these emotions can prevent true healing and growth.

By acknowledging and embracing your emotions, you can unlock the path to healing and transform life’s changes into powerful opportunities.


- How to see life transitions as opportunities for growth and healing.
- The importance of honoring your authentic emotions, regardless of discomfort.
- Practical tips for embarking on an inner healing journey during life’s challenges.

Links + Resources Mentioned in this Episode: 

- Pixie Lighthorse's Book: "The Wound That Makes the Medicine

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Hello friends. It's Anindita here, dropping in after months of silence on your podcast feed to let you know that I'm coming back from next week. I have actually been missing recording episodes for you for the past few months, and
today I wanted to give you a little update on me, as well as explore the
complex journey of honouring our emotions, finding, healing, and embracing the fullness of life.

Actually, that's what I have been dealing with over the past few months. Uh, say around June onwards. As you know, I'm embracing some changes that have taken place in my life, so whether you are dealing with an empty nest syndrome, actually, I don't like the term at all. I would rather call it the bird launcher phase, where you are launching a bird into the, you know, into the
not the wilderness, but into the world. And you've equipped the bird with the right tools and the right values. So that's what I did a month ago or so when my daughter left for college and she's gone several thousand miles away to Vancouver, but she's having the time of her life. She settled down well. 

So if you're dealing with something like this, or maybe some career
change or some personal growth challenges or relationship issues. This episode is for you. I talk a bit about what I have been going through. Um, we all go through these pivotal moments in our life from time to time, and we often find ourselves standing at the crossroads of past and present emotions. And for me, this happened when my daughter left for college, as I just
mentioned. So. But what I did not mention is it it's it was like as if, uh, a floodgates opened, releasing a wave of past pain and loss that I had pushed aside for years or thought that I had processed. And you know what? The old me would have tried to brush it off or simply ignore it the best that I could. That's what I would have done in the past. 

But that's not who I am anymore. And I know that my age and the experience that I
have developed over the years has helped, you know, when you reach a certain age, you develop certain life experiences that help you to make sense of them, to find some gift in them. So I know that I am no longer afraid to be with my feelings, no matter how uncomfortable uncomfortable they make me. So what I realized for myself personally, over the last few months that there was some work that I needed to do to uncover, acknowledge, and grieve and finally heal from some of my past losses. And I have mentioned it in my blog posts, etc Is that the loss of my father? That that is a kind of grief that stays you
throughout life. 

So and I would have, you know, at one point deemed it as weakness. Uh, but
now I know that it's a profound aspect of my humanity, and it also helps me to, uh, be compassionate towards others who are suffering. So I want to share with you today that it's okay if you feel an ache in your heart. It's a reminder to allow your authentic emotions to surface, not to drown you in them, but to work through them. Because the work of acknowledging and grieving losses, uh, especially
past losses which tend to hold us down, may be lifelong, but these transitions, you know, they provide us with the unique opportunity to embrace on
this inner work of healing. '

 So these moments that we go through in life where we face a particular challenge, where we have to go through a particular change, right? It it is an opportunity for us to delve deeper into it. And that's what this podcast is really all about. And I'm going to make a few changes going forward, which I
will reveal in a bit. Uh, but I'm going to talk a bit more about the healing journey part of it. After all, the podcast, uh, you know, is all about that. It's about embracing your healing journey. So while I'll continue to talk about chronic conditions or human conditions, I will talk a bit more about these
aspects which don't really get talked about so much. And one of the feedback that I've got from my listeners, my clients is that There are certain things that, you know, help my clients when I share with them about my own experiences, about certain small hacks. And actually, I don't like that word. I would say tips and things that, you know, uh, shortcuts, maybe even whether it's lifestyle changes or dietary changes or some mindset, you know, uh, certain changes that we need to make
are concerned. That helps them a lot. And that is what I'm going to share more and more on this podcast. Um, and so that's, that's, that's going to be what the podcast is, you know, moving towards going forward. But coming back to the topic of today about, uh, the opportunity for you to embark
on an inner journey of healing if you're going through a particularly challenging time in your life. So this is what I want you to think about today

What pain or loss are you dealing with right now?
Is it a child leaving home? Is it a failed relationship? It is a change of career. Is it a death? Is it, seeing your parents actually, uh, struggle with health issues and knowing that one day you will be without them, uh, moving home. So all of these things, I know a lot of you or you may be dealing with actually, uh, because these are things in my life to. So each of these changes can feel like a loss and deserves to be processed. And it might be the right time to take a closer look at all the knowledge, unacknowledged grief that you have carried. 

And in
fact, in my own quest for healing over the past
few months, amongst others, I was guided by Pixie Lighthouse's amazing book, The one that makes the medicine. And I'm going to read out one particular, uh, para from that book. In her book, she says.

 You must allow yourself to feel your heartache so that you can be reclaimed by the healing that comes after the worst has been fully felt underneath. The pain of today's loss is yesterday's unintended hurt, hopelessness, and disappointment. Asking to be acknowledged, to be fully filled. Let your current pains be an invitation, a clarion call that is alerting you so that you can give your care and attention to something deeper within you that longs for lasting healing. It is not only time that heals wounds, but a complex and flavorful broth of love, reflection, a willingness to be with the truth of what caused the pain and when the pain occurs, the ability to release it to healing. 

So that's a beautiful and especially the last para. It's a beautiful, uh, reminder, uh, for us to, you know, understand what really heals wounds. If
you want to, check out the book, it's called The Wound That Makes the Medicine. I'm going to share the link below. You can check out the book today. It's also as an audio book, but that's what I want to leave you with. I mean, this is something
that you need to, uh, embrace or look at, you know, when you are going through any particular transition in your life. And I know that, uh, you may be going
through another transition. It might be that you're moving towards menopause and you're already in perimenopause. Right? So there's so many transitions that a woman goes through, even men for that matter. And we need to find ways to equip ourselves to deal with them, not to be scared of them, but
to deal with them. So if there are any particular topics
that you want me to talk about in the following episodes, in upcoming episodes, do write to me at the at the rate and in the com. That's anindita@aninditarungta.com. If you want to read more about what I have written on, condition. a lot of mindset, uh, issues, uh, emotional healing, emotions, etc. selfcare. You can check out my blog at aninditarungta.com/blog. 

So I know that your power to heal exists within you. And I want you to rediscover that power, or remember that power that is already within you. And I hope that today's, uh, you know, mini episode has given you some insights and some kind of guidance or some sense of direction. I would love to hear from you if this episode resonated with you in any way. If there's any particular topic that you want to hear
from here about in the upcoming episodes, thank you so much for joining me today on Embrace Your Healing Journey podcast. Until next time, embrace your feelings. Dare to dream. And as always, live fully.